Junior Rugby Grades

Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 2:39 AM
by MJG

Junior Rugby is available in non-contact Rippa Rugby and contact Tackle Rugby. Grades are aligned with School Year Groups so you have the best chance of playing with your mates.

Nursery Grade for all Under 5s

Nursery Grade is held indoors in the Toitu Poneke Hub Green Room and concentrates on fun skills and games with lots of Parent involvement. Nursery Grade sessions are held first thing Saturday morning during the season.

Rippa Rugby for all age groups 5 years and older

Rippa Rugby is a very safe, non-contact, easy to play game for both boys and girls alike. Best of all it's fun and exciting for all involved. While the rules are simple and the game easy to learn, Rippa Rugby will promote excellent ball handling and running skills, and give all kids a chance to participate in our national game.

Rippa Rugby is available in the following Grades matching School Years and there are no weight restrictions as it is all non-contact. Girls and Boys play in mixed teams.

  • Year 0/1 Rippa Grade  (mostly Under 6)
  • Year 2 Rippa Grade      (mostly Under 7)
  • Year 3/4 Combined Rip Rugby  (mostly Under 8/9)
  • Year 5/6 Combined Rip Rugby  (mostly Under 10/11)
  • Year 7/8 Combined Rip Rugby  (mostly Under 12/13)

Rippa Rugby is played on Friday Nights and Saturday Mornings during the Season. There will be typically one team training day during the week to be decided by the Coach.

Tackle Rugby for all age groups 7 years and older

Kids can start playing tackle rugby once they reach the School Year 3 or Under 8. This is when they will learn how to play rugby in small development steps starting with how to tackle safely. 

Tackle Rugby is available in the following Grades matching School Years. There are no weight restrictions for tackle grades. There is allowance for lighter players to play in a lower grade. Girls and Boys play in mixed teams.

Use the following table to find your player's Tackle grade (reminder non-contact Rippa grades are available for all year groups.

Wellington Junior Rugby Tackle Grade Table

Tackle Rugby is played on Friday Nights and Saturday Mornings during the Season. There will be typically one team training day during the week to be decided by the Coach.

Pōneke Football Club Inc (Junior)

Pōneke Football Club Inc (Junior)

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