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Drill 2: Scrum connection
Drill 2: Scrum connection
Drill 1: Scrum shape
Drill 1: Scrum shape
Drill 2: Lineout competing
Drill 2: Lineout competing
???????Drill 1: Overhead catching in pairs
???????Drill 1: Overhead catching in pairs
Drill 1: Triangle 3 on 2
Drill 1: Triangle 3 on 2
Drill 3: Tackle with noodle
Drill 3: Tackle with noodle
Drill 2: Continuous attacking game
Drill 2: Continuous attacking game
???????Drill 2: Knee down touch
???????Drill 2: Knee down touch
Drill 1: Continuous defence
Drill 1: Continuous defence
Game play: Keepings off
Game play: Keepings off
Drill 2: Force back
Drill 2: Force back
Drill 2: Walking pass touch
Drill 2: Walking pass touch
Drill 1: Gauntlet
Drill 1: Gauntlet
Game play: Two hand touch with breakdown
Game play: Two hand touch with breakdown
Drill 2: 3's Breakdown game
Drill 2: 3's Breakdown game
Drill 1: Four corners shapes
Drill 1: Four corners shapes
Drill 2: 3 on 2
Drill 2: 3 on 2
Drill 2: Sink the ship
Drill 2: Sink the ship
Warm up: Stuck in mud
Warm up: Stuck in mud
Warm up: Stuck in mud
Warm up: Stuck in mud
Game play: U9 & U10 Rugby
Game play: U9 & U10 Rugby
Game play: Two handed touch rugby
Game play: Two handed touch rugby
Drill 1: Moving statues
Drill 1: Moving statues
Warm up: Rats and rabbits extended
Warm up: Rats and rabbits extended